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PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BINA BNI Internship Program BNI April 2018

Bank BNI
Bank BNI /
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BNI (IDX:BBNI) or know as "Bank BNI" a is a well-known state-owned financial services institution in Indonesia. Bank BNI conducting business in the field of commercial banking industry and offers a full range of general banking products and services. Its products and services include personal banking, priority banking, business banking, international banking and treasury. Bank BNI is a state-owned bank and is controlled by the Government of Indonesia. As today, the Government of Indonesia holds 60% ownership of Bank BNI’s shares. Other 40% remaining shares in Bank BNI was owned by general public and investors (8.3% domestic and 31.7% foreign). Based in Jakarta, Bank BNI offers services through 17 regional offices, 200 domestic branch offices, 6 foreign office networks, 1,085 sub branch offices, 595 cash offices, 17,966 ATMs throughout Indonesia (as of December 2017).

According to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Annual Report 2017 as cited by, Bank BNI is running well in the business year of 2017 (ended in 31 December 2017). Bank BNI managed to record total profit of Rp13.77 trillion in 2017. This number is up 20.68% from Rp11.41 trillion in the same period previous year. Total assets grew by 17.62% from the previous year, from Rp603.03 trillion to Rp709.33 trillion in 2017.

In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

Program Magang Bina BNI

  • Male/Female, Age around 18-25 years old
  • Good looking with minimum height of 167 cm for Male and 157 cm for Female.
  • Single/not married and willing to not get married during the internship program.
  • Minimum SMA - S1 with the provision of
    • SMA or equivalent : minimum average student report cards in the 5th and 6th semester of 7.00.
    • D1 - S1 : minimum GPA of 2.50.
  • Never get into drugs or other law violations (accompanied by a SKCK).
Required application documents
  • Application letter;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Color photograph (postcard size);
    1. Full body (front and side view)
    2. Half body
    3. Close Up
  • Height and weight listed on your CV;
  • Media social accounts (FB, twitter, Instagram and Path) listed on your CV.
    Placement areas :
    1. Bandung
    2. Banjar
    3. Cianjur
    4. Cirebon
    5. Garut
    6. Indramayu
    7. Kuningan
    8. Majalaya
    9. Purwakarta
    10. Subang
    11. Sumedang
    12. Sukabumi
    13. Tasikmalaya
    For more detail information about the program, please refer official source from PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk on following link below. To apply for, please send all required application documents above to BNI' branch office in placement areas above or to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kanwil Bandung - Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan No 3 Bandung (Up : Unit HMR). Closing date 15 April 2018. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step. ( / Source)

    Bank BNI
    Bank BNI /
    PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BNI (IDX:BBNI) or know as "Bank BNI" a is a well-known state-owned financial services institution in Indonesia. Bank BNI conducting business in the field of commercial banking industry and offers a full range of general banking products and services. Its products and services include personal banking, priority banking, business banking, international banking and treasury. Bank BNI is a state-owned bank and is controlled by the Government of Indonesia. As today, the Government of Indonesia holds 60% ownership of Bank BNI’s shares. Other 40% remaining shares in Bank BNI was owned by general public and investors (8.3% domestic and 31.7% foreign). Based in Jakarta, Bank BNI offers services through 17 regional offices, 200 domestic branch offices, 6 foreign office networks, 1,085 sub branch offices, 595 cash offices, 17,966 ATMs throughout Indonesia (as of December 2017).

    According to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Annual Report 2017 as cited by, Bank BNI is running well in the business year of 2017 (ended in 31 December 2017). Bank BNI managed to record total profit of Rp13.77 trillion in 2017. This number is up 20.68% from Rp11.41 trillion in the same period previous year. Total assets grew by
    17.62% from the previous year, from Rp603.03 trillion to Rp709.33 trillion in 2017.

    In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

    Program Magang Bina BNI

    • Male/Female, Age around 18-25 years old
    • Good looking with minimum height of 167 cm for Male and 157 cm for Female.
    • Single/not married and willing to not get married during the internship program.
    • Minimum SMA - S1 with the provision of
      • SMA or equivalent : minimum average student report cards in the 5th and 6th semester of 7.00.
      • D1 - S1 : minimum GPA of 2.50.
    • Never get into drugs or other law violations (accompanied by a SKCK).
    Required application documents
    • Application letter;
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
    • Color photograph (postcard size);
      1. Full body (front and side view)
      2. Half body
      3. Close Up
    • Height and weight listed on your CV;
    • Media social accounts (FB, twitter, Instagram and Path) listed on your CV.
      Placement areas :
      1. Bandung
      2. Banjar
      3. Cianjur
      4. Cirebon
      5. Garut
      6. Indramayu
      7. Kuningan
      8. Majalaya
      9. Purwakarta
      10. Subang
      11. Sumedang
      12. Sukabumi
      13. Tasikmalaya
      For more detail information about the program, please refer official source from PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk on following link below. To apply for, please send all required application documents above to BNI' branch office in placement areas above or to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kanwil Bandung - Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan No 3 Bandung (Up : Unit HMR). Closing date 15 April 2018. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step. ( / Source)

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      Related : PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BINA BNI Internship Program BNI April 2018

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