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Perum LPPNPI - Engineering and Operation Internal Program Air Nav Indonesia May 2018

Air Nav Indonesia
Air Nav Indonesia /
Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia - Perum LPPNPI known as "Air Nav Indonesia" is a reputable state-owned air navigation services company in Indonesia with rapid business expansion. Perum LPPNPI is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia and running business in air navigation services. According to information found in Perum LPPNPI's website as cited by, Perum LPPNPI operates primarily as a single operator of air navigation services in Indonesia. Perum LPPNPI was formed by the Government of Indonesia in 2012 as merger results of 3 main air traffic services (ATS) providers, namely ATS PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), ATS PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) and Government Operated ATS.

Headquartered in Tangerang Banten, Perum LPPNPI has 4,110,752 km² of air space which is divided into 2 Flight Information Regions (FIR), namely Jakarta FIR and Ujung Pandang FIR. At present, Perum LPPNPI conducted business operations in all parts of Indonesia under the management of 20 districts offices spread in 8 branch offices. Perum LPPNPI's branch offices comprise of JATSC Branch, Medan Branch, Palembang Branch, MATSC Branch, Surabaya Branch, Denpasar Branch, Balikpapan Branch and Jayapura Branch.

Due to strengthen its team, Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia are currently taking applicants for the following positions:

Rekrutmen Internal Perum LPPNPI 2018
  • Teknisi Penerbangan dibidang Teknik & Operasi
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Male or Female.
  • Minimum SMA or equivalent.
  • Maximum birth in 1976 (maximum age of 42 years old on 1 January 2018).
  • Currently still working in the Company as a PKWT staff and has been working in the company since 1 July 2016.
  • Physically and spiritually healthy, drug free, not tattooing striking (causing negative images) and piercing for Mala, not color blind except for formation Pelaporan Data is still possible for candidates with partial color blindness.
  • Willing to be placed in all working area of Perum LPPNPI in all over Indonesia.
  • Obtain recommendations from the General Manager for candidates in Branch Offices or from KADIV for candidates in Head Office.
For further information about the requirements, please refer official source from Air Nav Indonesia on following link below. If you interested to joining Air Nav Indonesia, please register yourself to and follow the steps carefully. Closing date 3 May 2018. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)

Air Nav Indonesia
Air Nav Indonesia /
Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia - Perum LPPNPI known as "Air Nav Indonesia" is a reputable state-owned air navigation services company in Indonesia with rapid business expansion. Perum LPPNPI is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia and running business in air navigation services. According to information found in Perum LPPNPI's website as cited by, Perum LPPNPI operates primarily as a single operator of air navigation services in Indonesia. Perum LPPNPI was formed by the Government of Indonesia in 2012 as merger results of 3 main air traffic services (ATS) providers, namely ATS PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), ATS PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) and Government Operated ATS.

Headquartered in Tangerang Banten, Perum LPPNPI has 4,110,752 km² of air space which is divided into 2 Flight Information Regions (FIR), namely Jakarta FIR and Ujung Pandang FIR. At present, Perum LPPNPI conducted business operations
in all parts of Indonesia under the management of 20 districts offices spread in 8 branch offices. Perum LPPNPI's branch offices comprise of JATSC Branch, Medan Branch, Palembang Branch, MATSC Branch, Surabaya Branch, Denpasar Branch, Balikpapan Branch and Jayapura Branch.

Due to strengthen its team, Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia are currently taking applicants for the following positions:

Rekrutmen Internal Perum LPPNPI 2018
  • Teknisi Penerbangan dibidang Teknik & Operasi
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI).
  • Male or Female.
  • Minimum SMA or equivalent.
  • Maximum birth in 1976 (maximum age of 42 years old on 1 January 2018).
  • Currently still working in the Company as a PKWT staff and has been working in the company since 1 July 2016.
  • Physically and spiritually healthy, drug free, not tattooing striking (causing negative images) and piercing for Mala, not color blind except for formation Pelaporan Data is still possible for candidates with partial color blindness.
  • Willing to be placed in all working area of Perum LPPNPI in all over Indonesia.
  • Obtain recommendations from the General Manager for candidates in Branch Offices or from KADIV for candidates in Head Office.
For further information about the requirements, please refer official source from Air Nav Indonesia on following link below. If you interested to joining Air Nav Indonesia, please register yourself to and follow the steps carefully. Closing date 3 May 2018. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. ( / Source)

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Related : Perum LPPNPI - Engineering and Operation Internal Program Air Nav Indonesia May 2018

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