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Bank BTN - Recruiment For Officer Development Program July - September 2017

Bank BTN , KARIR Bank BTN , lowongan kerja Bank BTN , lowongan kerja 2017
Ilmu Sipil - Information The following job vacancies come from One of the national banks in Indonesia focusing on housing loans, which are:PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or Bank BTN  was established in 1897 under the name of Postspaarbank. The name was changed to Bank Tabungan Pos in 1950 and finally became Bank Tabungan Negara in 1963. Bank BTN listed its stock offering on 17 December 2009 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and was the first Indonesian bank to securitize asset by recording Asset Backed Securities - Collective Investment Contracts (KIK-EBA).As a bank that focuses on the housing finance, Bank BTN is willing to help Indonesian people in turning their vision into reality when it comes to having the dream house. This desire is shown through more than six decades of consistency in providing a variety of housing products and services, particularly through the Home Ownership Loan (mortgage), both Subsidized Mortgages for lower-middle segment as well as Non-Subsidized Mortgages for middle and upper segments.Each group runs its business through lending, funding and other related services.
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk open career opportunities for Indonesian best candidates who have a passion for achievement, able to work in a team, have a high commitment and integrity, good appearance, tenacious, thorough and honest to join us and fill following positions:

Officer Development Program (ODP)

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00 scale
  • Maximum 26 years old, not passed the 27th birthday on 2017
  • Preferably majoring in Economics, Engineering, Law, Computer / Informatics, Statistics, or Psychology
  • Have TOEFL certificate from trusted languange center, both within the campus and public languange center (the TOEFL certificate should be showed on initial interview session)
  • Willing to undergo 5 years employment bond
  • Recruitment area:
    • Wilayah Seleksi Surabaya
    • Wilayah Seleksi Banjarmasin
    • Wilayah Seleksi Jakarta
    • Wilayah Seleksi Makassar
    • Wilayah Seleksi Medan
    • Wilayah Seleksi Padang
    • Wilayah Seleksi Palembang
    • Wilayah Seleksi Semarang

Note: Want to join our email list in order to get a job of a CPNS, BUMN, and a subsidiary of state-owned enterprises (anak perusahaan BUMN), please click here.

Those who are interested please apply online at link below no later than September 30, 2017.
apply online
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

Bank BTN , KARIR Bank BTN , lowongan kerja Bank BTN , lowongan kerja 2017
Ilmu Sipil - Information The following job vacancies come from One of the national banks in Indonesia focusing on housing loans, which are:PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or Bank BTN  was established in 1897 under the name of Postspaarbank. The name was changed to Bank Tabungan Pos in 1950 and finally became Bank Tabungan Negara in 1963. Bank BTN listed its stock offering on 17 December 2009 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and was the first Indonesian bank to securitize asset by recording Asset Backed Securities - Collective Investment Contracts (KIK-EBA).As a bank that focuses on the housing finance, Bank BTN is willing to help Indonesian people in turning their vision into reality when it comes to having the dream house. This desire is shown through
more than six decades of consistency in providing a variety of housing products and services, particularly through the Home Ownership Loan (mortgage), both Subsidized Mortgages for lower-middle segment as well as Non-Subsidized Mortgages for middle and upper segments.Each group runs its business through lending, funding and other related services.
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk open career opportunities for Indonesian best candidates who have a passion for achievement, able to work in a team, have a high commitment and integrity, good appearance, tenacious, thorough and honest to join us and fill following positions:

Officer Development Program (ODP)

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00 scale
  • Maximum 26 years old, not passed the 27th birthday on 2017
  • Preferably majoring in Economics, Engineering, Law, Computer / Informatics, Statistics, or Psychology
  • Have TOEFL certificate from trusted languange center, both within the campus and public languange center (the TOEFL certificate should be showed on initial interview session)
  • Willing to undergo 5 years employment bond
  • Recruitment area:
    • Wilayah Seleksi Surabaya
    • Wilayah Seleksi Banjarmasin
    • Wilayah Seleksi Jakarta
    • Wilayah Seleksi Makassar
    • Wilayah Seleksi Medan
    • Wilayah Seleksi Padang
    • Wilayah Seleksi Palembang
    • Wilayah Seleksi Semarang

Note: Want to join our email list in order to get a job of a CPNS, BUMN, and a subsidiary of state-owned enterprises (anak perusahaan BUMN), please click here.

Those who are interested please apply online at link below no later than September 30, 2017.
apply online
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.

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Related : Bank BTN - Recruiment For Officer Development Program July - September 2017

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