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Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - Recruitment Destana Facilitator BNPB May 2017

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - BNPB is the national agency for disaster management of the Republic of Indonesia. BNPB is a non-ministry government agency in Indonesia which oversees disaster management affairs. BNPB was established as a non-ministry government agency under the Presidential Decree No 8 of 2008 on the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia. According to BNPB's profile as cited by, BNPB was first established in 20 August 1945 and originally registered as Badan Penolong Keluarga Korban Perang (BPKKP) or the Agency for Assisting Families of War Victims. In 1966, the Government of Indonesia established Badan Pertimbangan Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Pusat (BP2BAP) or the Advisory Board of Central Natural Disaster Management.

BNPB is based in Jakarta and its head office registered at Jl Ir H Juanda No 36 Jakarta Pusat. The Organizational structure of BNPB comprise of Deputy Prevention & Preparedness, Deputy Emergency Management, Deputy for Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, and Deputy Logistics & Equipment.

Due to strengthen its team, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

Rekrutmen Fasilitator Desa Tangguh Bencana Tahun 2017

General Requirements
  • Indonesian citizens (WNI), age around 25 - 45 years old.
  • Healthy psychically.
  • Minimum education Diploma 2.
  • Willing to live in the village location of the program.
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Not being bound by the employment agreement with other parties / agencies.
  • Not a civil servant / member of TNI / POLRI
Special Requirements
  • Have experience in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Have experience in community facilitation (facilitator).
  • Have experience in social organization.
  • Mastering participatory assessment methods.
  • Mastering the Livelihood Asset approach.
Location of the program
  1. Aceh Besar Aceh Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  2. Kota Medan North Sumatera Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  3. Siak Riau Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  4. Sarolangun Jambi Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  5. Tanjung Jabung Barat Jambi Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  6. Ogan Komering Ilir South Sumatera Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  7. Memuko Bengkulu Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  8. Bekasi West Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  9. Kota Semarang Central Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  10. Sidoarjo East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  11. Gresik East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  12. Bojonegoro East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  13. Lebak Banten Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  14. Karangasem Bali Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  15. Badung Bali Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  16. Lombok Barat West Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  17. Alor East Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  18. Sikka East Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  19. Landak West Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  20. Bengkayang West Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  21. Kotawaringin Timur Central Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  22. Kapuas Central Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  23. Barito Kuala South Kalimanan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  24. Tanag Bumbu South Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  25. Nunukan North Kalimantan Province (hazard : Multihazard);  
  26. Kota Bitung North Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  27. Kota Manado North Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  28. Banggai Central Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  29. Bantaeng South Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  30. Takalar South Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  31. Buton South East Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  32. Gorontalo Gorontalo Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  33. Maluku Tenggara Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  34. Seram Bagian Timur Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  35. Kota Ternate North Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  36. Kota Tidore Kepulauan North Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  37. Nabire Papua Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  38. Teluk Wondama West Papua Province (hazard : Multihazard). 
For more detail information on the requirement, how to apply and to know more about the program, please refer official source from BNPB on following link below. If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above,please apply in confidence by filling online application form at Application should be submitted no later than 8 May 2017 24.00 Jakarta time. Facilitator Destana 2017 will work for 6 (six) full months from June to November 2017. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.(

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - BNPB is the national agency for disaster management of the Republic of Indonesia. BNPB is a non-ministry government agency in Indonesia which oversees disaster management affairs. BNPB was established as a non-ministry government agency under the Presidential Decree No 8 of 2008 on the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia. According to BNPB's profile as cited by, BNPB was first established in 20 August 1945 and originally registered as Badan Penolong Keluarga Korban Perang (BPKKP) or the Agency for Assisting Families of War Victims. In 1966, the Government of Indonesia established Badan Pertimbangan Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Pusat (BP2BAP) or the Advisory Board of Central Natural Disaster Management.

BNPB is based in Jakarta and its head office registered at Jl Ir H Juanda No 36 Jakarta Pusat. The Organizational structure of BNPB comprise of Deputy Prevention & Preparedness, Deputy Emergency Management, Deputy for Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, and Deputy Logistics & Equipment.

Due to strengthen its team, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

Rekrutmen Fasilitator Desa Tangguh Bencana Tahun 2017

General Requirements
  • Indonesian citizens (WNI), age around 25 - 45 years old.
  • Healthy psychically.
  • Minimum education Diploma 2.
  • Willing to live in the village location of the program.
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Not being bound by the employment agreement with other parties / agencies.
  • Not a civil servant / member of TNI / POLRI
Special Requirements
  • Have experience in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Have experience in community facilitation (facilitator).
  • Have experience in social organization.
  • Mastering participatory assessment methods.
  • Mastering the Livelihood Asset
approach.Location of the program
  1. Aceh Besar Aceh Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  2. Kota Medan North Sumatera Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  3. Siak Riau Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  4. Sarolangun Jambi Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  5. Tanjung Jabung Barat Jambi Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  6. Ogan Komering Ilir South Sumatera Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  7. Memuko Bengkulu Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  8. Bekasi West Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  9. Kota Semarang Central Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  10. Sidoarjo East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  11. Gresik East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  12. Bojonegoro East Java Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  13. Lebak Banten Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  14. Karangasem Bali Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  15. Badung Bali Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  16. Lombok Barat West Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  17. Alor East Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  18. Sikka East Nusa Tenggara Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  19. Landak West Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  20. Bengkayang West Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  21. Kotawaringin Timur Central Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  22. Kapuas Central Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  23. Barito Kuala South Kalimanan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  24. Tanag Bumbu South Kalimantan Province (hazard : Karhutla);
  25. Nunukan North Kalimantan Province (hazard : Multihazard);  
  26. Kota Bitung North Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  27. Kota Manado North Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  28. Banggai Central Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  29. Bantaeng South Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  30. Takalar South Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  31. Buton South East Sulawesi Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  32. Gorontalo Gorontalo Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  33. Maluku Tenggara Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  34. Seram Bagian Timur Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  35. Kota Ternate North Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  36. Kota Tidore Kepulauan North Maluku Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  37. Nabire Papua Province (hazard : Multihazard);
  38. Teluk Wondama West Papua Province (hazard : Multihazard). 
For more detail information on the requirement, how to apply and to know more about the program, please refer official source from BNPB on following link below. If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above,please apply in confidence by filling online application form at Application should be submitted no later than 8 May 2017 24.00 Jakarta time. Facilitator Destana 2017 will work for 6 (six) full months from June to November 2017. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.(

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Related : Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - Recruitment Destana Facilitator BNPB May 2017

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